Below is a managers report written in 2002 by Patrica Adams stating that Coverdeck Systems® carpet tiles are the only tiles allowed to be used on the balconies due to it’s innovative system as well as a PDF download to the original article.
PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania-
The board of the Academy House Condominium has a rule that owners could not place carpet on their con-crete balconies, with the exception of Coverdeck carpet. Manager Diane Harris reports, “After major concrete restoration on the balconies, our engineer said that the problem was more extensive because carpets on the balconies had retained moisture underneath. This caused the concrete to absorb the moisture and salt and deteriorate. The rule for no more carpets was strictly enforced. However, we discovered a type of carpet that sits above the floor and water is able to drain out. We tried one nearly five years ago and it was successful, many more owners have installed Coverdeck.”
Paul Betty, president of Coverdeck Systems, explains, “I knew that many owners wanted carpeting on their balconies and were very upset they were unable to have it. I developed an injection molded polypropylene drainage tile that carpet could be bonded to. We have suppliers for the carpet with many beautiful indoor and outdoor carpets to choose from. Once an owner makes a choice, we laminate their choice to 12 by 12 inch squares of drainage tile that we manufacture. The tiles are made to easily snap together in a grid, in whatever size needed. The patented system is recommended for many areas, on top of rubber roofs, balconies and walkways. Water not only drains through the indoor outdoor carpet, but through the joints where the carpet squares are attached. The water flows through to the concrete.
The tiles are designed to channel the water off the balconies and walkways, providing they have the correct pitch. Even if they are not sloped correctly, any ponding quickly evaporates because of the air circulation.”
Diane confirms, “Our owners are very happy with their new carpet. There haven’t been any problems at all. The carpet looks beautiful and is very soft. They say the carpet always dries out almost immediately after a rain and there is never any of that white seeping up through the carpet that used to happen when the carpet was directly on the concrete floor. When the carpet eventually wears out, that is the only part that has to be replaced. The molded tile underneath it is still in good shape.”
Paul says an added benefit is the carpet is great for the acoustics on the walkways. “On a cement walkway, you hear noise, such as carts or heels clicking. With this system installed, the noise is absorbed also, the carpet lasts much longer that regular carpet, because there isn’t any friction underneath (against concrete) when you walk on it. The life expectancy depends on the carpet. It comes with up to a five to ten year wear warranty, depending on the carpet. The substrata, or molded tile has a 20 year warranty, but could actually last for much longer.”
Source: Paul Betty is president of Coverdeck Systems. For more information you may contact him at Managers Report, 1128 Royal Beach Boulevard, #223, Royal Palm Beach, Florida 33411; fax(561) 791-0934; or email