Removing Scratches from Composite Deck Tiles
Moving furniture such as chairs, tables, grills, or other items occasionally may scratch the surface of your composite deck tiles. However, unlike other composites, with our Weatherstone Deck Tiles scratches are easily removed.
By using high-quality composite material, Coverdeck Systems Weatherstone Deck Tiles are unlike any other deck tile because our Weatherstone Composite has a full-color body which allows scratches to be melted away easily and the surface restored to a like-new condition in seconds.
Remove Scratches From Composite With A Blow Torch
To remove scratches from Weatherstone Composite Deck Tiles, a handheld propane torch or heat gun is recommended.
When using a handheld propane torch, keep the flame about 6 inches in distance from the composite material. Quickly move the flame over the scratched composite, this will melt the scratches away. Do not leave the flame stationary or too close to any area of the composite material to avoid any scorching which could occur.
When applying heat to the surface of the tile, in just a few seconds, you will notice scratches are gone and the composite deck tiles are restored to a like new condition.